Høringssvar IFRS 2008

ED of amendments to IAS 39 – Exposures Qualifying for Hedge Accounting (Avgitt 11. januar 2008) ED 9 Joint ArrangementsFortsett...

Høringssvar IFRS 2006

DP Measurement on Initial Recognition ED Amendments IFRS 2 IAS 1 Amendments EFRAG PAAinE Conceptual Framework Draft Due Process HandbookFortsett...

Høringssvar IFRS 2005

ED Proposed Amendments IFRS 6 D12_13_14 Service concessions Draft Memorandum of Understanding on the Role of Accounting Standard Setters andFortsett...

Høringssvar IFRS 2004

Determining whether an Arrangement contains a lease ED6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources ED Proposed Amendments to IASFortsett...